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Inspiration post //

George tice

I’ve picked George Tice as one of my biggest inspirations, and I think I've managed to narrow down why I like his photography to three main things; a lack of people, the lighting, and the mood. 

George Tice's photographs rarely have people in them, (and I don't blame him, he started his career strictly taking family portraits so at that point I think I'd probably be pretty sick of people too.) anyways, if you couldn't already tell from most of the photos on my blog I really enjoy photography of architecture and other inanimate objects... that being said, most of George Tice's photographs involve either one of those two things so no surprise he's one of my favourites, don't get me wrong though, I do love a good portrait.  

He also uses lighting to his advantage using shadows, lamps and other light sources to create very cool and captivating photographs. Now I don't know about you, but I'm kind of obsessed with the sun. It's great. So have any natural light and/or shadows in a photograph I'm most likely going to love it. 

Going hand in hand with the fact that there are rarely other people featured in his photographs he is also somehow able to make normally quite populated urban areas look desolate and somewhat eerie which I absolutely LOVE. 

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